Curatronic is proud to be the leader of PEMF therapy
in more than 90 countries around the world!
Hundreds of studies show a wide variety of applications and benefits of pulsing electromagnetic fields (PEMF).
Our highly qualified engineers and medical team succeeded in combining all technological advantages and state-of-the-art ultra modern electronic hardware with super reliable software.
The Curatron PEMF devices are strong enough to offer full body penetration, outperforming all other devices on the market.
If you want to gain the benefits a PEMF device can offer, be critical and compare the technologies and parameters of the device you intend to buy!
The Curatron PEMF systems offer full body penetration with superior speed of induction and changing frequencies to avoid body adaptation. Curatron also carries high-energy coils for concentrated treatment.
What is PEMF?
Scientific studies about the effectiveness of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy found that disturbances in blood circulation and metabolism play a key role in the development of diseases.
The Curatron devices generate Frequency Modulated Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields. PEMF improves blood supply and oxygenation in the tissues and cells. By recharging and regenerating the cells, Curatron therapy promotes healing and stimulates bone growth and regeneration. It is ideal for reducing chronic pain, fracture healing, and improving bone density in osteoporosis.
Curatron PEMF applications include:
Pain Relief
Rheumatic pain
Back pain
Sports Injuries
Stress reduction
Improving Health & Fitness
Fracture healing
Athletic Performance
Sleep disturbances
Anti Aging
Curatron PEMF introduction
Watch a 10 minute video of Curatron PEMF testimonials
"I hope all is well with you and yours. I continue to use the Curatron and have been able to heal 3 individuals of their fractured bones. All three had been recommended for surgical intervention of some kind. All three were able to avoid that outcome through the use of your device and there have been many celebrations in their not having to go under the knife!"
Patrick Waters RN BSN MS Dexter, MI, USA
Disclaimer: Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) has been approved by health authorities as medical therapy for human applications. In the European Community the Curatron HT, XP, XPSE, PC and 3D models are certified as medical devices according to the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC. The devices are manufactured according to ISO 13485 for Good Manufacturing Practice. The above Curatron models have been licensed for use by medical professionals by Health Canada. In the United States of America the Curatron devices have not been cleared by the FDA and are not sold as medical devices. The information provided on this website is not medical advice. The products marketed on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Readers are encouraged to obtain the help, services and recommendations of doctors and other licensed medical practitioners.
Curatronic Ltd. info@curatronic.com